Branding + Web
Being the first designer hired by a company was always going to be challenging. That's what I thought when joining Hubla (formerly ChatPay) in May 2021. After going through a complete rebrand, a Series A investment round and the inception of a design squad, I can say I've never had a richer learning journey. The works below are an eternal WIP, dynamic pieces ranging from branding to product design, just like my everyday routine at the company.
Design: Mateus Rila
Motion Design: Mateus Rila, Gabriel Volpato
Product Design: Junior Magalhães, Rodrigo Torres
Web Development: Mateus Rila
Hubla Marketing Team: Beatriz Modolin, João Alvarenga, Thais Castello Branco
Initial Brand Concept by Rebu ↗
Creative Direction: Fernando Andreazi, Pedro Mattos
Design: Jaci Morais
Flow Director: Cacau Chaves
Writing: Gi Marques, Fernanda Damas
English Adaption by Mateus Rila